Opendevelop API


Opendevelop’s end user has at his disposal an asynchronous HTTP REST API to use and easily run code.


In order to make API calls the user will need to be authenticated according to OAuth protocol. So every request must include a Basic OAuth HTTP header that includes the id and the secret key of the App.

{'Authorization' : "Basic " + base64("<id>:<secret>")}

API calls


Verb URI Description
GET /api/sandboxes List all sandboxes associated with the given App
GET /api/sandboxes/sandbox_id Show information about a specific App
POST /api/sandboxes Create a new sandbox and run the given code inside

List Sandboxes

Example request

Request Url: http://opendevelop/api/sandboxes
Request Method: GET
Params: {}

Example response

"sandboxes": [
        "status": "terminated",
        "image": "my_image",
        "cmd": "[\"python\"]",
        "return_code": 127,
        "logs": "sh: 0: Can't open start\n"
        "status": "running",
        "image": "my_image",
        "cmd": "[\"ls -a\"]",
        "return_code": null,
        "logs": null

Show Sandbox

Example request

GET /api/sandboxes/1

Example response

"status": "terminated",
"image": "my_image",
"cmd": "[\"python\"]",
"return_code": 0,
"logs": "hello opendevelop!\n"

Create Sandbox

Example request

Request Url: http://opendevelop/api/sandboxes
Request Method: POST
Files: {
    "0": {
        "webkitRelativePath": "",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2013-12-22T22:27:47.000Z",
        "name": "",
        "type": "text/x-python-script",
        "size": 46
    "length": 1
Params: {
    "image": "my_image",
    "cmd": "[\"python\"]"
    "timeout": "10"

Timeout is an optional parameter that allows the user to specify the maximum time in seconds that the execution of the sandbox will last before it automatically gets killed.

Example response



Verb URI Description
GET /api/images List all available images to be used for sandbox creation

Example request

Request Url: http://opendevelop/api/images
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200
Params: {}

Example response
